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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enMarzano, Robert J.; Parsley, Danette; Gagnon, Douglas J.; Norford, Jennifer S.
InstitutionMarzano Research
TitelTeacher as Researcher
Quelle(2020), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTeacher Researchers; Teaching Methods; Intervention; Generalization; Research Design; Statistical Analysis; Communities of Practice; Networks; Causal Models; Influences; Evaluation Criteria; Experiments; Leadership; Sustainability; Cooperation; Inquiry
AbstractTeachers engaging in research has been discussed and carried out under the heuristics and methodologies of action research (Manfra, 2019; Pine, 2009). A typical action research project might involve an individual teacher studying the effectiveness of a specific instructional strategy like having students preview content before receiving direct instruction. Although teachers are frequently encouraged to engage in such projects, action research is seldom considered a legitimate form of research. This disregard for action research is mainly because the findings of these projects do not generalize beyond the context of the teacher and classroom in which they were conducted. The position of the research community has been that situated findings are not very useful. This perspective is necessary and valid for experiments designed to be highly generalizable, but teacher-conducted experiments are designed to be generalizable only within the local context of the individual teacher carrying out the experiment. From this focused perspective, experiments designed and conducted by individual teachers for the purpose of studying the relationship between their actions in the classroom and specific academic or non-academic outcomes for their students can be considered a viable form of research. In fact, such focused studies might contribute as much, if not more, to the advancement of a scientific approach to classroom instruction than experiments designed for maximum generalizability. The central thesis of this report is that individual classroom teachers can be legitimate researchers when it comes to conducting experiments on the effectiveness of specific instructional strategies. This notion calls for a reconceptualization of many of the elements associated with experiments. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenMarzano Research. 555 North Morton Street, Bloomington, IN 47404. Tel: 888-849-0851; Fax: 866-801-1447; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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