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InstitutionNational School Boards Association, Center for Public Education (CPE)
TitelSchool Choice: What the Research Says. Updated
Quelle(2017), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; School Choice; Public Schools; Magnet Schools; Charter Schools; Educational Vouchers; Board of Education Role; Grade 4; Grade 8; Elementary Secondary Education; Mathematics Achievement; Reading Achievement; Tax Credits; Program Effectiveness; Home Schooling; Virtual Schools; National Assessment of Educational Progress
AbstractGiving parents and students the ability to choose their school is promoted by supporters as the key to improving American education overall. On the surface, the idea has great appeal. Who, after all, opposes having choices? Indeed, both Democratic and Republican policymakers, including President Trump, have embraced school choice as a reform strategy, whether it's limited to alternatives within the public school system or provides taxpayer dollars to students to take to private schools or providers. For this reason alone, American voters should be asking: does school choice live up to its supporters' claims? In 2015, the National School Boards Association's (NSBA's) Center for Public Education sought to answer this question in an at-a-glance overview of school choice in all its permutations: choice within the public school system (traditional public schools, magnet and charter schools); choice outside the public schools (private schools, vouchers and tax credits, homeschooling); and virtual schools which can be either public or private. This edition has been updated in order to include the results of new studies that shed more light on the impact of schools of choice. As before, the hope is that this report will inform the ongoing conversation about the efficacy of school choice in the nation's efforts to assure every child is prepared for college, careers and citizenship. [This publication was originally published in October 2015.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCenter for Public Education. 1680 Duke Street 2nd Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tel: 703-838-6722; Fax: 703-683-7590; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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