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Autor/inTunaz, Mehmet
TitelDevelopment of Code-Switching: A Case Study on a Turkish/English/Arabic Multilingual Child
Quelle(2016), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Code Switching (Language); Case Studies; Turkish; English; Semitic Languages; Multilingualism; Language Acquisition; Children; Naturalistic Observation; Telecommunications; Interpersonal Communication; Electronic Mail; Classification; Communicative Competence (Languages); Turkey
AbstractThe purpose of this research was to investigate the early code switching patterns of a simultaneous multilingual subject (Aris) in accordance with Muysken's (2000) code switching typology: insertion and alternation. Firstly, the records of naturalistic spontaneous conversations were obtained from the parents via e-mail, phone calls and researcher's interval observation sessions. After a detailed revision of the records, code switching samples were categorized into two groups: insertion and alternation. Then, the code switching samples performed by the subject were ordered chronologically. It was found that the insertion type of code switching occurs at the earlier stages of multilingual development whereas the alternation type of code switching comes out later. This case indicated that the form of code switching gets more complex and intentional as linguistic competence and awareness enhance. The results as consistent with the explanations of MacSwan (2000) and Koike (1987) who emphasized that code switching develops in parallel with linguistic ability, and it should not be assumed as a deficit in the early simultaneous multilingual development. The study is a considerable case analysis in terms of including Turkish, English, and Arabic in a multilingual context. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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