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Autor/inn/enCombe, Christelle; Codreanu, Tatiana
TitelVlogging: A New Channel for Language Learning and Intercultural Exchanges
[Konferenzbericht] Paper presented at the EUROCALL 2016 Conference (23rd, Limassol, Cyprus, Aug 24-27, 2016).
Quelle(2016), (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterElectronic Publishing; Electronic Journals; Student Journals; Web Sites; Video Technology; Computer Assisted Instruction; Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; Teaching Methods; Informal Education; Intercultural Communication; Social Networks; French; Data Collection; Ecology; Data Analysis; Qualitative Research; Web 2.0 Technologies; Computer Mediated Communication; Discourse Analysis
AbstractThe potential for computer-supported learning in educational contexts has opened up the possibilities for learners to interact in informal contexts outside the classroom. The context of the present research is a young American individual's vlog on YouTube sharing his experiences as a learner of French. This paper focuses on the potential use of vlogs for developing language speaking skills and intercultural exchanges between users. The aim of the study is to describe and analyse informal learning communication using a vlog between one American French Language learner posting his learning experiences on YouTube and his audience. We highlight learner's opportunities in terms of speaking and intercultural skills in a vlog environment. This study is based on an empirical method of collecting ecological data on the web. The qualitative data analysis method is based on the description of the online conversation (Develotte, Kern, & Lamy, 2011) in addition to interaction analysis and technodiscursive analysis (Paveau, 2015). We discuss the qualitative findings of the research conducted on this multimodal corpus in order to highlight the vlog's potential for supporting informal language learning, speaking and intercultural exchanges between YouTube users in a globalised world. [For the complete volume of short papers, see ED572005.] (As Provided). La Grange des Noyes, 25110 Voillans, France. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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