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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionUniversity of Southern California (USC), Center on Educational Governance (CEG)
TitelCharter Schools Indicators: A Report from the Center on Educational Governance University of Southern California. CSI-USC 2010
Quelle(2010), (59 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Charter Schools; Educational Indicators; Governance; School Effectiveness; Educational Finance; Educational Quality; Academic Achievement; Productivity; Federal Programs; Accountability; Investment; Teacher Qualifications; English Language Learners; Classification; Language Arts; Mathematics; Elementary Secondary Education; California
AbstractCSI-USC continues to make sense of what the California statewide data system provides. This fourth annual report gauges multiple measures of academic and financial performance, probing well beyond mere test scores. Ratings in familiar green, yellow, and red cover four areas: financial resources and investment, school quality, student performance and academic productivity. This year's major innovation--CSI-USC Interactive, the online searchable database--allows users to compare the performance of individual charter schools over time or the performance of groups of charter schools to one another. Consult CSI-USC Interactive at As in last year's report, this document highlights California's individual charter schools; offers statewide comparisons of charter and district-run schools; and defines data-based trends. In response to--and in spite of--fiscal distress and budgetary cutbacks in most public schools, charter schools continue to improve their overall fiscal health. Teacher qualification in charters continues to make steady improvement, although it still lags behind non-charters. For charter schools, API and AYP haven't fluctuated much over time. Their Academic Momentum Index started out fast but has slowed, although this year shows a slight improvement over last year. Most notably, charter schools have seen major improvements in their ability to reclassify English Learners to fluent-English-proficient over the last five years. CSI-USC 2010 expands what we know about the performance of California charter schools, while CSI-USC Interactive increases the accessibility of information to policymakers, educators and parents. Taken together, the Center's information systems offer a model for other states confronting the challenge of promoting the growth of charter schools, the increase of their quality and school accountability: all goals of the Obama administration. The following are appended: (1) Data Sources and Terms; (2) Creating CSI-USC; and (3) Index and Data Sources. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCenter on Educational Governance. 3470 Trousdale Parkway, WPH 901, Los Angeles, CA 90089. Tel: 213-740-0697; Fax: 213-740-4184; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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