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Autor/inn/enCooper, Donna; Costa, Kristina
InstitutionCenter for American Progress
TitelIncreasing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Existing Public Investments in Early Childhood Education: Recommendations to Boost Program Outcomes and Efficiency
Quelle(2012), (64 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEarly Childhood Education; Young Children; Child Care; Educational Quality; Expertise; Predictor Variables; Academic Achievement; Language Acquisition; Child Development; Politics of Education; Human Capital; Federal Government; Barriers; Preschool Education; Alignment (Education); Educational Change; Program Effectiveness
AbstractThere is a mounting body of research demonstrating the impact of early learning on lifelong success. The quality of early child care is the most consistent predictor of young children's behavior, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Childcare Research Network. Children who receive high-quality child care have better developmental outcomes in early childhood, including better cognitive and linguistic development. The United States faces many urgent educational and economic challenges. Chief among them is the need to create a high-quality early learning system that reaches far more children than the current system permits. In this report the authors describe how conflicting expectations, misaligned system requirements, and programmatic firewalls on the federal level create formidable barriers to the operation of a well-coordinated system of high-quality early childhood education for children from birth to 5 years old. This lack of coordination means that the federal investments are neither operating as efficiently nor as effectively as possible. As a result the country is missing the opportunity to increase the number of young children who enter kindergarten with the skills, knowledge, and dispositions necessary for school and lifelong success. This paper focuses on specific challenges and proposes reforms that can be implemented within the context of current law and that build on the work of the Obama and Bush administrations. To help identify these essential reforms to federal early childhood education programs, the Center for American Progress assembled a number of highly respected experts in the early childhood education field. In this paper they set forth 10 federal reforms that they believe will significantly advance the evolution of the federally supported early childhood education system, improve child outcomes, and ensure system accountability, as well as operational consistency and greater efficiency. Appended are: (1) State approach to education of young English language learners varies dramatically; and (2) State and federal early learning standards at a glance. (Contains 3 figures and 94 endnotes.) [This report was supported by the Irving Harris Foundation.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCenter for American Progress. 1333 H Street NW 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20005. Tel: 202-682-1611; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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