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Autor/inn/enStuit, David; Doan, Sy
InstitutionNational Alliance for Public Charter Schools
TitelBeyond City Limits: Expanding Public Charter Schools in Rural America. Issue Brief
Quelle(2012), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCharter Schools; Rural Areas; Rural Schools; Educational Development; Enrollment Rate; Enrollment Trends; Educational Needs; Barriers; Performance Factors; Educational Planning; Educational Quality; Change Strategies; Educational Change; Institutional Characteristics; Statistical Data; School Expansion
AbstractRural students comprise a vital segment of the American public education system. Presently, one in four public school enrollees--over 11 million children--attend rural schools in the U.S. Rural enrollment is trending upward at a faster rate than other locales. From 2006 to 2009, enrollment in rural public schools increased by almost one million students, marking an 8 percent rise, while enrollment trends in urban and suburban schools were flat. This issue brief explores how public charter schools can meet the educational needs of rural communities. In the following sections the authors describe the common challenges faced in rural public education, depict the current landscape of rural charter schools, and discuss some key hurdles that must be overcome in order to launch a successful rural charter school. Additionally, they highlight some innovative approaches that charter schools have used to achieve success in rural communities and offer policy recommendations for achieving charter school quality and scale in rural communities. (Contains 2 tables, 1 figure and 50 sources.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Alliance for Public Charter Schools. 1101 15th Street NW Suite 1010, Washington, DC 20005. Tel: 202-289-2700; Fax: 202-289-4009; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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