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Sonst. PersonenVagle, Mark D. (Hrsg.)
TitelNot a Stage! A Critical Re-Conception of Young Adolescent Education. Adolescent Cultures, School and Society. Volume 60
Quelle(2012), (306 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterMiddle School Students; Early Adolescents; Foreign Countries; Developmental Stages; Adolescent Development; Curriculum; Self Concept; Gender Differences; Social Influences; Cultural Background; Cultural Context; Teacher Education; Immigrants; English (Second Language); Second Language Learning; Australia; India; Norway
Abstract"Not a Stage!" is written for teachers, students, and scholars interested in the academic, social, and emotional needs of young adolescents. It is unique because it actively resists basing the practice, research, and theory of young adolescent education on developmentalism and the developmental stage of young adolescence. The purpose of this book is to begin to reorient the discourse on young adolescent growth and change and in turn reconceptualize the education of young adolescents. The book infuses a contingent, recursive conception of adolescent growth and change into the discourse around young adolescence by making three pleas to those interested in the schooling of young adolescents: to move away from a developmentally responsive vision to a contingently and recursively relational vision; to move from "characterizing" young adolescence to "particularizing" young adolescents; and to move from a "sameness" curriculum to a "difference" curriculum. Contents include: (1) Introduction: Being a Bit Disruptive (Mark D. Vagle); (2) The Anchor Essay: Trying to Poke Holes in Teflon: Developmentalism; Young Adolescence; and Contingent, Recursive Growth and Change (Mark D. Vagle); (3) Locating and Opening Up Some Obscured Micro-Contexts in Order to Do More Learning From (rather than Teaching) Young Adolescents (Mark D. Vagle); (4) Constructing Immigrant Adolescent Identities: Exploring the "Magical Property" of Discourses (Bic Ngo); (5) Seeing School and Learning English: Recent Immigrant Youths' Insights into Adolescents, Young Adolescence, Learning, and Teaching (Kristien Zenkov, Marriam Ewaida, Athene Bell and Megan Lynch); (6) Putting "Boy" in Crisis: Seeking an Education of Gender rather than in Gender (Shannon D. M. Moore); (7) Always Becoming, Never Enough: Middle School Girls Talk Back (Hilary Hughes-Decatur); (8) Reappraising "Juvenilia" as a Means of Re-Conceptualizing "Adolescence" (Zan Crowder); (9) Making a Reoriented Conception of Growth and Change "Actionable" (Mark D. Vagle); (10) Both/And/All of the Above: Addressing Individual, Social, and Contextual Dimensions of Educating Middle School Youth (Enora Brown); (11) Multiple Discourses and Missing Voices (Penny Bishop); (12) Using Students' Funds of Knowledge to Enhance Middle Grades Education: Responding to Adolescen(TS) (Leslie David Burns and Leigh A. Hall); (13) What's Interbeing Got to Do with It? Shared Experiences, Public Problems, and the Unique Individual (Hilary G. Conklin); (14) Re-Conceptualizing Growth and Change "Outside" U.S. Contexts (Mark D. Vagle); (15) Norwegian Perspectives on Educating Young Adolescen(TS) (David C. Virtue); (16) What's Happening Down Under: Young Adolescent Education in Australia (Donna Pendergast and Nan Bahr); (17) "Particularizing" Young Adolescents in an Indian Context (Ajay Sharma); (18) Locked into Place through Teacher Education: The Discursive Construction of Young People in the Middle Years of Schooling (Barbara Garrick, Jayne Keogh, Donna Pendergast, and Shelley Dole); and (19) Closing: Some Messy Hopes (Mark D. Vagle). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenPeter Lang New York. 29 Broadway 18th Floor, New York, NY 10006. Tel: 800-770-5264; Tel: 212-647-7706; Fax: 212-647-7707; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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