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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionConnecticut Department of Higher Education
TitelHigher Education Counts: Achieving Results. 2009 Executive Summary
Quelle(2009), (15 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Higher Education; Public Colleges; Graduation Rate; Elementary Secondary Education; In State Students; Teacher Certification; Early Intervention; College Preparation; Access to Education; Student Costs; Minority Group Students; Student Financial Aid; Economic Development; College Graduates; Research and Development; Educational Attainment; School Holding Power; Enrollment; Licensing Examinations (Professions); Expenditures; Labor Force Development; Teacher Shortage; Connecticut
Abstract"Higher Education Counts" is the annual accountability report on Connecticut's system of higher education. Since 2000, the report has been the primary vehicle for reporting higher education's progress toward achieving six, statutorily-defined state goals: (1) To enhance student learning and promote academic excellence; (2) To join with elementary and secondary schools to improve teaching and learning at all levels; (3) To ensure access to and affordability of higher education; (4) To promote the economic development of the state to help business and industry sustain strong economic growth; (5) To respond to the needs and problems of society; and (6) To ensure the efficient use of resources. The report is intended to provide state policy-makers with specific information on a number of important indicators of progress measured against specific goals and/or peer institutional benchmarks and to serve as a backdrop for key state policy discussions on the importance of educational attainment for the future welfare and economic development of the state. Overall performance results again are somewhat mixed with goals reached or strong progress made on several strategic measures such as licensure pass rates, reducing the brain drain, workforce preparation and student retention rates. Other indicators, however, have shown little improvement or have declined over the last five years. Among those of particular concern are graduation rates within our four-year comprehensive universities and two year colleges and minority retention and graduation rates, particularly among Hispanic students. [For related reports, see "Higher Education Counts: Achieving Results" (ED528170); and "Higher Education Counts: Achieving Results. 2009 Report" (ED528171).] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenConnecticut Department of Higher Education. 61 Woodland Street 3rd Floor, Hartford, CT 06105. Tel: 860-947-1800; Fax: 860-947-1310; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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