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InstitutionAlliance for Excellent Education
TitelUnderstanding High School Graduation Rates in Rhode Island
Quelle(2009), (1 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterGraduation Rate; Dropouts; Academic Achievement; Accountability; Minority Groups; Education Work Relationship; College Preparation; Educational Indicators; Public Schools; Public Education; Learner Engagement; Dropout Rate; Economic Impact; Enrollment; Achievement Gap; Low Achievement; High Schools; Data; Educational Legislation; Federal Legislation; Disadvantaged Youth; High School Students; Rhode Island; United States
AbstractGraduation rates are a fundamental indicator of whether or not the nation's public school system is doing what it is intended to do: enroll, engage, and educate youth to be productive members of society. Since almost 90 percent of the fastest-growing and highest-paying jobs require some postsecondary education, having a high school diploma and the skills to succeed in college and the workplace are essential. Yet nationally, one-third of students--about 1.3 million each year--leave high school without a diploma, at a high cost to themselves and society at large. Unacceptably low graduation rates, particularly among poor and minority students, have been obscured for far too long by inaccurate data, calculations, and reporting, and inadequate accountability systems at the state and federal levels. This report provides Rhode Island's latest graduation rate statistics, demonstrates its graduation gaps between demographic groups, illustrates its discrepancies in graduation rates reported by government and independent sources, and examines its economic costs of dropouts to individuals and society. [This report is a companion to "Understanding High School Graduation Rates in the United States." For the main report, see ED506961.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAlliance for Excellent Education. 1201 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 901, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: 202-828-0828; Fax: 202-828-0821; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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