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Autor/inGentry, Ruben
TitelIf War--How to Minimize the Loss for School Children
[Konferenzbericht] Paper presented at the Annual International Conference on Peace (2nd, Jackson, MS, Apr 7-11, 2008).
Quelle(2008), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Quality of Life; Children; Social Services; War; Coping; Child Welfare; Child Development; Access to Education; Prevention; Role of Education; Military Personnel; Foreign Countries; Child Abuse; Parent Role; Teacher Role; Government Role; Politics of Education; Iraq
AbstractWar is so devastating that if at all possible, it should be avoided. But if reasoning and negotiation fail to yield peace between nations and countries and war results, the loss to children must be minimized. In the last decade, two million children have been killed in wars and conflicts, 4.5 million have been disabled and 12 million have been left homeless. Environmental damage due to the use of nuclear and chemical weaponry is horrendous; there are higher cancer and disease rates as well as higher rates of offspring born with birth defects. Also, disproportionate spending on war takes funding away from programs that improve the quality of life (Marshall, 2004). Children must be kept in mind during times of war; they need to be with their parents, protected within their home communities and have basic health, educational and social services. In as much as education is the foundation on which all professional and service endeavors are built, any decision for engagement in war must protect the educational system; there must be contingency plans in place to safeguard children and meet their developmental needs. This presentation focuses on the issue of war and how it impacts school children. It addresses war as a last-resort strategy, but because of the probability of war continuing to occur, means are offered for various sectors of society to minimize the loss for school children. (Contains 1 table.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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