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Sonst. PersonenDouglass, Nam (Hrsg.); Owen, Jenni (Hrsg.); Berlin, Lisa J. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionDuke Univ., Durham, NC.
TitelChildren's Mental Health: Strategies for Providing High Quality and Cost-Effective Care. North Carolina Family Impact Seminar
Quelle(2006), (95 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterSeminars; Health Services; Mental Health; Counties; Mental Health Programs; Children; Family (Sociological Unit); Policy Formation; Interviews; Administrators; Cost Effectiveness; North Carolina; Ohio
AbstractThis report represents the second North Carolina Family Impact Seminar in a series designed to connect research and state policymaking. Family Impact Seminars analyze the impact an issue, policy, or program may have on families. This Family Impact Seminar briefing report discusses strategies for providing high quality and cost-effective children's mental health services. A "family impact perspective" on policymaking informs this report. Just as policymakers routinely consider the environmental or economic impact of policies and programs, Family Impact Seminars help policymakers examine impact on families by providing objective, solution-oriented research to state policymakers. This briefing report provides information and analysis of promising strategies for improving children's mental health services. The first three chapters conclude with considerations for policymakers based on lessons learned from research and practice. This report consists of four chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of North Carolina's mental health system with a focus on children's mental health. The second chapter focuses on System of Care (SOC), the leading approach to improving the quality of mental health care for children. The third chapter addresses the Ohio Mental Health Consumer Outcomes Initiative, which led to a statewide system of consumer outcomes for adults and youth in the Ohio mental health system. The fourth chapter shares interviews conducted by the Center for Child and Family Policy with five Local Management Entity (LME) leaders. The briefing report concludes with additional materials for policymakers including definitions of mental health target populations, a current map of LMEs and the counties they serve, LME contact information, a glossary, a list of terms and acronyms, and additional resources. (Individual chapters contain references, endnotes, and tables.) [This report was produced by the Center for Child and Family Policy, Duke University.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCenter for Child and Family Policy, Duke University. 257 Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Box 90264, Durham, NC 27708-0264. Tel: 919-613-7319; Fax: 919-681-1533; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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