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Autor/inRyan, Edward Francis
InstitutionERIC Clearinghouse for Community Colleges, Los Angeles, CA.
TitelCounseling Non-Traditional Students at the Community College. ERIC Digest.
Quelle(2003), (4 Seiten)
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ReiheERIC Publications; ERIC Digests in Full Text
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Advising; College Students; Community Colleges; Counseling Theories; Educational Counseling; Nontraditional Students; Organizational Culture; School Demography; Student Adjustment; Student Characteristics; Student Educational Objectives; Student Needs; Two Year Colleges
AbstractWithin the community college setting, counselors in counseling centers have historically provided academic advising, career guidance, and personal counseling. Today, however, the profile of the typical community college student is very different from that of the student of 40 years ago, when counseling centers originated. Today's community college students are often older, part-time commuter students who work and may have familial obligations. Given this change in demographics, there is an increasing concern that the established theories and practices used in counseling are problematic, since they are based on the experiences of traditional college students. Older students have greater responsibility, and women historically have been marginalized in the academy. Minority and immigrant students have needs that often differ from the traditional student as well. Researchers suggest additional studies of nontraditional learners, using the results to provide training and workshops for faculty, staff, and students. Do (1996) urges community colleges to recruit bilingual and bicultural counselors. Helfgot (1995) argues that investment in technology will improve the accessibility and quality of counseling. This digest notes that educators must also deal with these issues in the light of limited resource availability. (Contains 14 references.) (NB)
AnmerkungenERIC Clearinghouse for Community Colleges. University of California at Los Angeles, 3051 Moore Hall, P.O. Box 951521, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1524. Tel: 310-825-3931. For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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