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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionDepartment of Labor, Washington, DC.
TitelOffice of the 21st Century Workforce. XXI, Fall 2002.
Quelle(2002) 2, (45 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Accident Prevention; Accidents; Adolescents; Adult Education; Agency Cooperation; Agency Role; Compliance (Legal); Computer Uses in Education; Cooperative Planning; Cooperative Programs; Employed Women; Employers; Employment Practices; Employment Services; Entrepreneurship; Federal Legislation; Federal Regulation; Governance; Guidelines; Human Factors Engineering; Information Sources; Injuries; Internet; Labor Force Development; Labor Standards; Linking Agents; Occupational Safety and Health; Online Courses; Online Systems; Postsecondary Education; Private Sector; Public Agencies; Public Policy; Public Sector; Recruitment; Rescue; Retirement Benefits; Safety Education; Training; Web Based Instruction; Work Environment; Youth Employment
AbstractThis document presents information on the U.S. Department of Labor's activities in the following topics areas: developing a skilled workforce; keeping workers safe; building workforce security; and connecting workers with jobs. The following items are included: (1) a discussion by the president and chief executive officer of Cisco Systems, Inc., of the key role of electronic learning in preparing students and workers for the 21st century workplace; (2) a description of the activities of DOL's Mine Safety and Health Administration during the rescue of the nine coal miners trapped in Pennsylvania in 2002; (3) workplace guidelines for repetitive motion injuries; (4) an overview of the YouthRules! program, which is designed to educate young workers, parents, and employers about workplace hazards, labor rules, and the importance of education and skills development; (5) descriptions of recent legislation to reform corporate governance; (6) descriptions of DOL activities to reform retirement savings policy and practice; (7) descriptions of DOL activities and DOL resources to help employers comply with federal regulations and laws; (8) descriptions of selected DOL activities to help employers find suitable employees and help U.S. citizens access available government benefits; (9) a discussion of entrepreneurship among women; and (10) lists of the members of the President's Council on the 21st Century Workforce and its committees. (MN)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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