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Autor/inQuint, Janet
InstitutionManpower Demonstration Research Corp., New York, NY.
TitelAn Evaluability Assessment of the Toyota Families in Schools Program.
Quelle(2001), (37 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Adult Education; Corporate Support; Early Childhood Education; Evaluation Problems; Evaluation Research; Family Literacy; Feasibility Studies; Formative Evaluation; Intergenerational Programs; Literacy Education; Low Income Groups; Models; Participation; Partnerships in Education; Private Sector; Program Evaluation; Research Methodology; School Business Relationship
AbstractThe Toyota Families in Schools (TFS) Program is a new family literacy initiative that was developed by the National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) with support from the Toyota Motor Corporation. TFS is based on a previous NCFL model calling for providing literacy activities to preschoolers and parents from low-income families. NCFL wanted to conduct a definitive evaluation of TFS's impacts. Because the program is just getting started and is still operating on a small scale, however, a decision was made to prepare an evaluability assessment of the program rather than a full-fledged evaluation. The evaluability assessment was prepared by reviewing program documents and statistics on the characteristics of program enrollees and their participation in program activities and by conducting site visits to three first-year TFS sites. The conclusion reached through the document review and site visits was that TFS is not likely to produce the medium-sized effects required to make a rigorous experimental evaluation of the program feasible. However, the family literacy concept was deemed promising, and it was concluded that ongoing process evaluation could provide much-needed information about ways to boost demand, sustain participation, and enhance service quality. (Contains 12 references and 5 tables.) (MN)
AnmerkungenManpower Demonstration Research Corporation, 16 East 34 Street, New York, New York 10016 ($8). Tel: 212-532-3200; Web site: For full text: taFamiliesinSchools2001-Quint.pdf.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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