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Autor/inWoodward, Jeannette
InstitutionAmerican Library Association, Chicago, IL.
TitelCountdown to a New Library: Managing the Building Project.
Quelle(2000), (205 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Building Conversion; Building Design; Building Plans; Construction (Process); Facilities; Facility Expansion; Librarians; Libraries; Library Development; Library Planning
AbstractThis book outlines information needed to embark on a library building project, serving as an overview of the entire process, not merely focusing on the librarian's traditional role. The book begins by discussing ways librarians can prepare themselves and their staff to function effectively in the midst of a building project. Chapter 2 focuses on the architects, contractors, and engineers, explains various project delivery systems, and delves into contract and liability considerations. Discussions of recent library developments and future prospects introduce chapter 3. The chapter also covers the tasks of identifying a site and determining space needs, and it examines the unique planning considerations of a renovation or remodeling project. Chapter 4 gets into the "nuts and bolts" of a major construction project by focusing on the building shell: roof, atrium, and entrance. Requirements of stand-alone libraries as well as those for multi-use facilities are presented. Environmental and human needs are the subject of chapter 5. Topics include the ways humans interact with their buildings and the conditions under which they are most comfortable and most productive. This chapter also provides information about design considerations for lighting--both natural and artificial, energy efficiency for new and older buildings, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Chapter 6 is devoted to planning for information technology. The chapter also discusses building infrastructures, including electrical service and the equally high-tech system of climate control. Chapter 7 focuses on security and safety, considering the "what ifs" that could threaten the building as well as library users and staff. Chapter 8 looks at considerations involved in selecting the floor materials, wall coverings, and furnishings. Cleaning and maintenance, custom furniture, ergonomics, computer workstations, and shelving issues are all considered. Chapter 9 addresses the concerns and issues that are unique to library services during a building renovation. Finally, chapter 10 focuses on moving the collection and getting settled. Throughout the book are "Tips and Tales" sections, advice and stories from librarians and archivists who are veterans of a variety of building projects. Contains an index. (AEF)
AnmerkungenAmerican Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611 ($43.20 ALA members; $48 nonmembers;). Tel: 800-545-2433 (Toll Free); Fax: 312-836-9958; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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