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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionDeafblind International, London (England).
Titel"Elderly Deafblindness." Proceedings of the European Conference of Deafblind International's Acquired Deafblindness Network (3rd, Marcelli di Numana, Italy, October 2-7, 1998).
Quelle(1998), (174 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Deaf Blind; Delivery Systems; Foreign Countries; Individual Characteristics; Interpersonal Communication; Multiple Disabilities; Older Adults; Policy Formation; Quality of Life; Rehabilitation Programs; Social Services; Staff Development; Surveys; Training Methods; Finland; Ireland; Netherlands; Norway; United Kingdom
AbstractThis text includes all of the plenary presentations from the 3rd European Conference of Deafblind International's Acquired Deafblindness Network. This international conference was the first to focus specifically on older people with dual sensory impairment. Presentations addressed the awareness of the needs of older people with deafblind or dual sensory impairments, the development of policy, and the development of practice related to older people such as gaining new skills, new approaches to communication, and staff training. Presentations included: (1) "Eurolink Age: An Example of European Lobbying" (Marianne Dwarhuis); (2) "Keynote Speech: People Who Become Deafblind in Old Age" (Malcolm Matthews); (3) "Demographic Study on Elderly Persons with Dual Sensory Impairment" (Else Marie Svingen and Marja-Leena Saarinen); (4) "Contact Persons" (Helle Brogger); (5) "Communication" (Liz Duncan and Martha Bagley); (6) "Vision and Hearing in Old Age" (Frank Jorritsma); (7) "Rehabilitation of the Hearing-Visually Impaired in the Netherlands" (Sita Schipper); (8) "Communication Workshop" (Liz Duncan and Martha Bagley); (9) "Survey of 281 Old Persons and Their Practical Emotional and Existential Needs" (Ann Svensson); (10) "International Awareness Campaign" (Anneke Balder); (11) "Confident Living Program" (Martha Bagley): (12) "Home Instructors, A Programme in Sweden" (Anita Bengtsson and Margaretha Lagerdahl); (13) "Information Provision and Non Specialist Training" (Ole E. Mortensen); (14) "Staff Development" (Lucette Teurlings); (15) "Constructional Behaviour Analysis and the Kalorama Approach" (Jan Prickarts); (16) "Training of Non-Specialists: A Training Package in the Netherlands" (Lucette Teurlings); (17) "Sense in Derbyshire Outreach Development Project for Older People with Acquired Deafblindness" (Sarah Goodwin); (18) "The UN's Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in Relation to Elderly with Acquired Deafblindness with Special Emphasis on the First Rule, 'Awareness-Raising'" (Kirsten Janshol); (19) "Think Dual Sensory: Policy and Practice Initiative Department of Health Social Services Inspectorate" (Jeff Bashton); (20) "Plenary Session on UK Policy" (Peter Kaye); (21) "Obstacles to Older Deafblind People Getting a Proper Social Service" (Graham Willets and Brian Peaker); (22) "Life Quality Survey in Finland Intervention Programme for Elderly Dual Sensory Impaired Persons" (Else Marie Svingen and Marja-Leena Saarinen); (23) "Quality of Life Research Data from a Demographic Survey of Deafblindness in the Elderly Norwegian Population" (Else Marie Svingen); (24) "A Programme in Northern Ireland" (Richard Devlin); and (25) "Elderly Deafblindness Closing Session" (Marjanna Suosalmi and Malcolm Matthews). (CR)
AnmerkungenDeafblind International, 11-13 Clifton Terrace, London N4 3SR Great Britain. Tel: +44 171 272 7774; Fax: +44 171 272 0612; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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