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Autor/inHorsman, Jenny
TitelToo Scared To Learn: Women, Violence, and Education.
Quelle(1999), (323 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Adult Education; Adult Literacy; Adult Students; Anxiety; Battered Women; Child Abuse; Classroom Techniques; Counseling; Developed Nations; Educational Change; Family Violence; Fear; Females; Foreign Countries; Literacy Education; Neurosis; Teaching Methods; Canada
AbstractBased on research with literacy learners, instructors, and practicing therapists, this book re-examines learning through a lens focused on the prevalence of and effects of violence in women's lives. Section 1, "Canaries in the Mine," highlights a shift away from seeing those who have experienced violence as damaged and towards recognizing their warning that current levels of violence are not healthy. Chapters 1-3 provide information on the research, place the stance of the book as "beyond deficit thinking," provide theoretical background to support questioning common framings of violence, and introduce many forms of violence and the ways they can affect education to support an insistence that trauma in education, particularly in adult literacy settings, be recognized. Chapters 4-6 in Section 2, "Learning in the Context of Trauma," explore complex ways in which the aftermath of violence might be present in the classroom and suggest approaches to enhance learning for all learners. Chapters 7-8 in Section 3, "Bearing Witness," explore: (1) various ways of creating connections between literacy and counseling that support current and new program models; and (2) the experience of bearing witness and the burden it places on educators, arguing for recognition and support. Chapter 9 in Section 4, "Pulling It All Together," confirms the changes needed in education and society and stresses the urgency with which policymakers and educators must instigate change. (Contains 170 sources.) (YLB)
AnmerkungenMcGilligan Books, P.O. Box 16024, 859 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, Canada M6J 1WO. Tel: 416-538-0945; e-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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