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Autor/inn/enBromley, Ruth; Morris, Andrew; Greenwood, Maggie
InstitutionFurther Education Development Agency, London (England).
TitelCurriculum 2000. Reformulated A and AS Levels: Aspects of Delivery.
Quelle(1999), (40 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Education; Articulation (Education); College School Cooperation; Curriculum Development; Educational Certificates; Educational Change; Foreign Countries; Institutional Cooperation; Integrated Curriculum; Postsecondary Education; Student Certification; Vocational Education; United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AbstractA July, 1999 survey of seven colleges and a school consortium highlighted issues to consider when planning for implementation of Curriculum 2000 reforms in Britain. The project's primary focus was the impact of the changes on the Advanced (A level) and Advanced Supplementary (AS) qualifications. The colleges operate in different local settings with different experiences with collaboration. Draft specifications for new AS/A2 and General National Vocational Qualifications courses are awaiting approval. Post-16 providers welcome the opportunity to offer students a broader experience, and are planning increases in AS subject offerings. Generally, institutions welcome Curriculum 2000 as creating the opportunity for students to mix academic and vocational programs. Colleges have differing responses to the Key Skills initiative, depending on past experience with other programs and their resources. Curriculum 2000 enhances the importance of tutorial and counseling support, and brings additional responsibilities for tutors related to guidance, monitoring, and Key Skills. Many colleges see the move toward more resource-based learning as inevitable and recognize the implications for student guidance from Curriculum 2000 changes. Some colleges are using existing management or curriculum task groups to work on the changes; others have set up new groups. Practical implementation issues are: time tabling the new curriculum; the assessment and examination cycle; funding; increased teaching time and costs; increased staffing; and new accommodation demands for new courses. (Information on the colleges and consortium is appended.) (YLB)
AnmerkungenFEDA Publications, Citadel Place, Tinworth Street, London SE11 5EH, United Kingdom (5 British pounds); Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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