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Autor/inn/enJohnson, David W.; Johnson, Roger T.
TitelCooperative Learning and Assessment.
Quelle(1999), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Classroom Techniques; Cooperative Learning; Elementary Secondary Education; English (Second Language); Evaluation Methods; Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; Student Evaluation; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis paper discusses some major assessment issues (purpose, focus, setting, stakes, and stakeholders of assessment), the procedures used in assessment, and how cooperative learning (CL) may be used in the assessment procedures. Instruction, learning, assessment, and evaluation are all interrelated. Teachers are responsible for instructing students to create learning, which is assessed in order to verify that learning is taking place and to improve the effectiveness of instruction. There are three purposes for assessment--diagnostic, formative, and summative. It takes place in artificial settings (classrooms) and in authentic settings (the real-world). Stakes can be high or low. The stakeholders include students and parents, teachers, administrators, policymakers, colleges, and employers. CL groups present unique and important opportunities and benefits for instruction, assessment, and the reporting of results. For example, homework may be checked in cooperative groups. While this occurs, teachers can be gathering useful observational data about the quality of the explanations and intellectual interchange among group members, which offers them clues as to the current competence of the students and the success of his or her instruction. Other CL assessment techniques include peer editing of compositions, oral presentations, and accumulation of portfolios. CL groups provide the setting, context, and environment in which assessment becomes part of the instructional process and students learn almost as much from assessing their own and their classmates' work as they do from participating in instructional activities. (KFT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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