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Autor/inn/enSpecht, Jacqueline; Wood, Eileen; Willoughby, Teena
TitelComputer Training for Early Childhood Educators.
Quelle(1999), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComputer Anxiety; Computer Attitudes; Computer Literacy; Computer Uses in Education; Early Childhood Education; Educational Technology; Foreign Countries; Information Needs; Information Sources; Knowledge Base for Teaching; Needs Assessment; Preschool Teachers; Canada
AbstractRecent research in early childhood education (ECE) centers suggests that some teacher characteristics are not at a level that would support computer learning opportunities for children. This study identified areas of support required by teachers to provide a smooth introduction of the computer into the early childhood education classroom. Participating were 192 female and 4 male early childhood educators from 3 middle-sized Canadian cities. Subjects completed questionnaires assessing basic knowledge, attitudes toward computers, and information that teachers would like to have regarding computers. The findings indicated that preschool teachers support the use of computers in the ECE environment, but require information that is reliable, systematic, and informed. Findings were used to provide suggestions about the content of training workshops for early childhood educators. (Includes questionnaire used for the study. (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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