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Autor/inn/enJerry, Laura J.; Ballator, Nada
InstitutionNational Assessment of Educational Progress, Princeton, NJ.; Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ.
TitelNAEP 1998 Writing Report for Department of Defense Dependents Schools.
Quelle(1999), (42 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Comparative Analysis; Dependents Schools; Grade 8; Junior High Schools; National Competency Tests; Public Schools; Standardized Tests; Student Evaluation; Tables (Data); Test Results; Writing Achievement; Writing Research; National Assessment of Educational Progress
AbstractIn 1998 for the first time, the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) administered a writing assessment at the state level. This report describes the writing achievement of Department of Defense Dependents Schools eighth-grade students and compares their overall performance to students nationwide (using data from the NAEP national assessments). In Department of Defense Dependents Schools, 2182 students from 55 public schools were assessed. The writing assessment questions asked for three major kinds of writing: some required narrative, some informative, and some persuasive writing. Each student who participated in the state assessment was given two questions and had 25 minutes to respond to each question. The questions asked students to write in a variety of forms, such as essays, letters, stories, as well as to a variety of audiences, such as teachers, other students, and school boards. The distribution of writing results and writing achievement level results are provided for subpopulations of students (gender, race/ethnicity, students' reports of parents' educational level, free/reduced-price lunch program eligibility, and type of location). The average writing proficiency of eighth-grade public school students in Department of Defense Dependents Schools on the NAEP writing scale was 156 compared to 148 nationwide. (RS)
AnmerkungenED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398; Tel: 877-433-7827 (Toll Free); online ordering: http: //; full report online: http: // (PDF format).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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