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Autor/inn/enVeale, James R.; Morley, Raymond E.
InstitutionIowa State Dept. of Education, Des Moines.
TitelSBYSP: School-Based Youth Services Program. 1996 Year-End Report. Executive Summary.
Quelle(1997), (97 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccountability; Ancillary School Services; Disadvantaged Youth; Dropouts; Elementary Secondary Education; Integrated Activities; Parent Attitudes; Program Evaluation; Rural Schools; Social Services; State Programs; Student Attitudes; Urban Schools
AbstractThe School-Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP) of the Iowa Department of Education has just completed its seventh year of operation. This report focuses on the 1995-96 school year, which was the second year of the expanded SBYSP, which went from its original 4 sites to 18. These sites include rural and urban areas, and some of the poorest areas in the state. Most services provided were in the areas of case management, primary/preventive health, education, employment and training, mental health, and recreation/leisure in that order. A total of 19,689 youth and families were served at the 18 sites. The largest number were at the elementary school level, which represents a shift in the SBYSP program focus. A system to monitor and evaluate SBYSP implementation and outcomes has been developed to provide program accountability. This system collects and evaluates information on program participants and their characteristics, attendance, academic achievement, dropout rates, family and parent involvement, the use of other service providers, and parent and student attitudes about program impacts. The relationship between dropping out and magnitude of contact with the program was statistically significant only for the high risk group, but for these students it was significant. Questionnaires completed by 126 elementary school, 139 middle school, and 135 high school students, and 226 parents indicated satisfaction with most areas of program services, with some problem areas identified. Recommendations are made for program improvement. Ten appendixes provide supplemental information about program sites, participants, and outcomes. (Contains 7 tables, 10 figures, and 34 references.) (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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