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Autor/inLow, John A.
TitelHow Safe Are You at Work? Occupational Health and Safety Issues for School Counsellors.
Quelle(1995), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Children; Counseling Services; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Occupational Safety and Health; Pupil Personnel Services; Pupil Personnel Workers; School Counselors; School Psychologists; School Safety; School Security; Australia
AbstractSchools are becoming increasingly violent places. This workshop presentation examines ways to improve counselor facilities and to enhance work safety. Client populations for school counselors have changed significantly in recent times as school administrators refer more welfare related problems for help. Although violent attacks on counselors may be rare, incidents of worrying phone calls, fear of attack, sexual harassment, and defamation can erode counselors' health. Numerous factors figure in the development of effective and safe counseling services in the school. Security should be carefully thought out, including the safekeeping of records and personal protection. Since privacy is a key aspect of counseling, clients should be seen in a private room, free of distractions. But counselors must also exercise care in working alone, since this situation creates a high risk set of hazards. Counselor and client stress may be reduced by making careful changes to the surroundings. A reception center can help identify agitated clients and a carefully designed office can facilitate both safety and relaxation. It is recommended that counselors have access to professional supervision, be given time for networking with other professionals, be able to assess risk, and be knowledgeable about worker compensation claims. (Contains 12 references.) (RJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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