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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionAssociation for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
TitelProceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (79th, Anaheim, CA, August 10-13, 1996). Mass Communication and Society Division.
Quelle(1996), (537 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Agenda Setting; Crime; Headlines; Mass Media Role; Mass Media Use; Media Research; Newspapers; Organizational Communication; Parent Role; Political Attitudes; Terrorism; World Wide Web
AbstractThe mass communication and society section of the Proceedings contains the following 17 papers: "Deviance in News Coverage of On-Line Communications: A Print Media Comparison" (Lisa M. Weidman); "Political Tolerance of Environmental Protest: The Roles of Generalized and Specialized Information" (Catherine A. Steele and Carol M. Liebler); "First Ladies: A Look at Coverage in Two Major Newspapers" (Erica Scharrer and Jacqueline Arnold); "Agenda-Setting with an Ethnic-Relevant Topic: Ethnicity and Public Salience of Illegal Immigration" (Michael B. Salwen and Frances R. Matera); "Media Dependency Theory and the Perception of Violence in Professional Ice Hockey" (Quint B. Randle); "The Mediating Role of Public Mood: New Explorations in the Relationship between Media Use and Political Knowledge/Attitudes" (Ekaterina Ognianova and others); "Finding the Smoking Gun: Local Media and Community Ties" (Debra Merskin and Mara Huberlie); "Roles Journalists Play: An Examination of Journalists' Roles as Manifested in Samples of Their Best Work" (Divya C. McMillin); "Online Cities: Are They Building a Virtual Public Sphere or Expanding Consumption Communities?" (Sally J. McMillan and Kathryn B. Campbell); "Drug Problems and Government Solutions: A Frame Analysis of Front-Page Newspaper Headlines about the Drug Issue, 1987-1994" (Robert W. Leweke); "The Press and the Not-So-Mean Streets: The Relative Influence of the Media on Public Knowledge of Crime Rates" (Thomas J. Johnson and others); "On the N- and F-Words: Quantifying the Taboo" (Paul Martin Lester); "Building the Terrorism Agenda, 1981-1994: The Media, the President and Real World Cues" (Patrick M. Jablonski and Christopher Sullivan); "'Sports Illustrated', 'The War on Drugs,' and the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990: A Study in Agenda Building and Political Timing" (Bryan Denham); "News from Hell before Breakfast: The Clash of Military and Media Cultures during the Persian Gulf War" (Jay DeFrank); "The Private Line: How Theodore Vail of AT&T Invoked the Concept of 'Public Interest' to Enhance the Company's Position as a Monopoly" (Kerry Anderson Crooks); and "The Paradox of Parenting Magazines: Cultivation Theory and Information Seeking" (Valerie Barker and David Dozier). Individual papers contain references. (RS)
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