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Autor/inCrawford, Susan Hoy
TitelBeyond Dolls & Guns: 101 Ways To Help Children Avoid Gender Bias.
Quelle(1996), (212 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Bibliographies; Change Strategies; Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; Gender Issues; Parent Attitudes; Parent Child Relationship; Parent Influence; Parent School Relationship; Sex Bias; Sex Stereotypes; Social Action; Textbook Bias; Womens Studies
AbstractParents who have come to expect fairness in the workplace are finding gender stereotypes and bias in classrooms and on playgrounds of their children's schools. This book offers advice to parents on how to identify gender bias in a child's environment and supplies definitions of key terms, checklists of ideas, and action steps to take to help counteract gender stereotypes. The introduction gives suggestions for parents to alter the way their children interact with their culture by: (1) helping children learn a variety of interests and skills; (2) attempting to improve the social environment that surrounds children; (3) building an awareness of what is inequitable; and (4) teaching children survival skills for coping with inequities. The chapters of the book are: (1) "Is It Sexism?"; (2) "With Concern for Boys"; (3) "School and Parent Interaction"; (4) "The Environment at Home"; (5) "Sexist Language"; (6) "Helping Kids Cope"; and (7) "Public Proactive Steps." The conclusion reminds parents that school personnel may be conservative when gender issues and educational issues collide and may wait for parents to show concern before addressing the problem. Three appendices contain a list of non-biased, inclusive language alternatives to common biased terms; research summaries with 61 references; and biographical sketches of famous women in history. Contains a bibliography of 87 nonsexist children's books and 20 adult reference books. (AMC)
AnmerkungenHeinemann, 361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801-3912 ($10.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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