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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inScales, Peter C.
InstitutionSearch Inst., Minneapolis, MN.; Family Resource Coalition, Chicago, IL.
TitelWorking with Young Adolescents and Their Families: A National Survey of Family Support Workers. Survey Report.
Quelle(1996), (41 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrators; Counseling; Early Adolescents; Family Programs; Mentors; Needs Assessment; Networks; Program Descriptions; Program Development; Resource Materials; Resources; Social Workers; Surveys; Training; Urban Areas
AbstractA project was undertaken to identify the training and resources family support workers need to strengthen the programs they provide for young adolescents and their families. Results were designed to help shape the development of training and resource materials for family support workers nationwide. Potential survey respondents were on the Family Resource Coalition mailing list. Responses from 659 program directors or other administrators and staff represented a 10% response rate from the original mailing list. More than half the programs identified themselves as urban, but 32% were rural. Nearly half were locally oriented, and nearly half served multiple communities. The majority of surveyed workers said that they needed to do more to meet the needs of young adolescents and their families, especially in the areas of personal growth counseling, mentoring, and community service opportunities. Responses also indicated that a significant minority of these workers, from 30 to 50%, misunderstand critical aspects of young adolescent development. Nearly all respondents believed that training and resources in various content areas would be useful, and most were willing to attend brief training sessions. The other kind of key assistance, beyond training, that these workers wanted was help networking with others. (Contains 22 tables and 10 references.) (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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