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Autor/inHugenberg, Lawrence W.
TitelThe Boyer Commission Report on Evaluation of Teaching: Implications in the Basic Course.
Quelle(1995), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterRezension; Stellungnahme; College Faculty; Faculty Evaluation; Higher Education; Instructional Effectiveness; Introductory Courses; Speech Communication; Student Evaluation of Teacher Performance; Student Needs; Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Qualifications; Teacher Role
AbstractIn his book "Scholarship Assessed" and in a speech summarizing the book, Ernest Boyer, President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, considers faculty evaluation issues. Applying Boyer's ideas to the basic communication course allows the integration of new insights and perspectives into the daily operations of the basic course--where many faculty spend a great deal of time. Boyer outlines four major principles that should guide the evaluation of faculty work: (1) evaluation should focus initially on the professional characteristics of the scholar (honesty, etc.); (2) evaluation of scholarly work can be successfully accomplished only if academe has agreed-upon standards of faculty performance; (3) evidence of a scholar's research, teaching, and outside activities must be "broad and rich and varied"; and (4) faculty members must have confidence in the evaluation process. The best-prepared faculty should be teaching the beginning course in communication. For many students, this is the only communication course they will take, so the best teaching of the best skills should be offered. Assessment in the beginning course must focus on student understanding and practicing communication skills. In addition to the assessment of students' competence, the other kind of assessment necessary is the evaluation of the instructor by the students. Finally, periodic analysis of the course and assignments by instructors, including self-evaluations and peer reviews, as well as student evaluations, would lead to improvement of the quality of the student experience in the course. (CR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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