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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionAssociation for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
TitelProceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (78th, Washington, DC, August 9-12, 1995). Mass Communication and Society Division.
Quelle(1995), (622 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Advertising; Broadcast Journalism; Higher Education; Mass Media Effects; Mass Media Role; Media Research; Newspapers; Online Searching; Political Campaigns; Political Influences; Programming (Broadcast); Radio
AbstractThe mass communication and society section of the Proceedings contains the following 20 papers: "Media, Bureaucracy and the Success of Social Protest: Media Coverage of Environmental Movement Groups" (Julia B. Corbett); "How People Use Newspaper-Sponsored Community Bulletin Boards: A Field Test of 'The Evansville Courier's' Courier On-Line" (Philip J. Auter and David O. Clark); "Anti-Suffrage Press and Propaganda of the Liquor and Brewing Industries: Wisconsin, 1910-20" (Elizabeth V. Burt); "Music in Political Advertising: An Analysis of the Use of Music in Presidential Campaign Spots, 1968-1988" (O. Patricia Cambridge); "'Turf Wars': Journalists' Claims to Political Communication Jurisdiction in the New Media Era" (Patricia L. Dooley and Paul Grosswiler); "Constraints on the Evolution of Talk in Talk Radio" (Matthew C. Ehrlich and Noshir S. Contractor); "'In Search of...': Assessing the Relationship among 'Big 5' Personality Traits, Program Choice, and Gratifications Obtained from Watching Television Programs" (Cynthia M. Frisby); "Online Services as News Reporting Tools: A Study of Daily Newspaper Use of Commercial Databases in 1994" (Bruce Garrison); "The Paradox of Public Concern about Crime: An Interim Report" (Salma Ghanem and Dixie Evatt); "Stereotypes in the Media: So What?" (Bradley W. Gorham); "Turning the Spotlight Inward: How Leading News Organizations Covered the Media in the 1992 Presidential Election" (Thomas J. Johnson and others); "Was the 1994 Election a Right-Wing Victory? An Analysis of Press Coverage of 14 Campaigns" (Tien-tsung Lee and Anthony Y.H. Fung): "Radio Station Age Demographics and the Public Interest" (Kenneth D. Loomis); "The Thomas/Hill Confrontation Makes It to the Cartoon Page: A Content Analysis of Political Cartoons" (Christine Marley and W. Bradford Mello); "Business as Usual: Myth and Mobility in Hollywood Business Films" (Mary S. Pileggi and others); "Enhancing Empathy in the Trauma Victim Interview: What Was Learned from Journalism Students" (Roger Simpson and others); "Testing the Essence of McLuhan's Ideas: Linear vs. Mosaic Thought" (Gerald C. Stone); "Framing the Flood of '93: A Comparison of Newspaper and Television Frames with Citizen Perceptions and Preferences" (Esther Thorson and others); "The Struggle to be Heard: Press Coverage of a Haitian Civil Disturbance in Miami" (Doug Walker); and"Social Determinants of Journalists' Decision-Making in Ethical Dilemmas" (Paul S. Voakes). (CR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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