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Autor/inDey, Eric L.
InstitutionMichigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education.
TitelWorking with Low Survey Response Rates: The Efficacy of Weighting Adjustments. AIR 1995 Annual Forum Paper.
Quelle(1995), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterFollowup Studies; Higher Education; Institutional Research; Longitudinal Studies; Response Rates (Questionnaires); Statistical Bias; Surveys
AbstractProblems associated with low response rates to surveys are considered, drawing from the literature on the methodology of survey research. A series of analyses are presented which were designed to examine the efficacy of Astin and Molm's procedure to adjust for nonresponse biases. Data were obtained form the Cooperative Institutional Research Program survey of 1987 incoming students and the 1991 followup survey. Data were analyzed for 209,627 students at 390 institutions. After separating the data into respondents (21 percent) and nonrespondents (79 percent), attention was directed to how distributions and relationships change due to nonresponse. The efficacy of the Astin and Molm procedure was examined using univariate and joint distributions and multiple regressions. It is concluded that the Astin and Molm procedure for adjusting for patterns of nonresponse is very effective in reducing biases in univariate distributions. The effectiveness of this weighting procedure is less clear in adjusting the results of correlation and regression analyses. The analyses did not reveal a situation where the weighted results were clearly less preferable than the unweighted one. Although the Astin and Molm technique is designed for use in longitudinal research, related methods of weighting can be implemented for cross-sectional surveys. (Contains 27 references.) (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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