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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionStaff Coll., Bristol (England).
TitelBeyond Ramps and Rhetoric: New Challenges and Issues in Learning Difficulties.
Quelle(1994), (57 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Accessibility (for Disabled); Adult Education; College Programs; College Students; Colleges; Continuing Education; Disabilities; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Inclusive Schools; Mainstreaming; Social Integration; United Kingdom
AbstractThis first issue of a journal on further education (FE) in the United Kingdom focuses on further education for people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties. The first article is titled "A College with a Mission," by Ernest Theodossin, and looks at the FE programs offered by Lancaster & Morecambe College, the various architectural modifications to allow accessibility for students with physical disabilities, the goals and views of the school principal (who is blind), the special work preparation course aimed at school leavers, and efforts to change employer attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. The second article, "More Than a Career--A Team of Dedicated Professionals" (also by Ernest Theodossin) looks at the individual staff who work with students with disabilities and learning difficulties at Lancaster & Morecambe College. The third article titled "Current Developments for Students with Disabilities and Learning Difficulties in FE" (Colin Booth) notes the replacement of the label "special education needs" with the term "students with learning difficulties or disabilities" in educational legislation and considers implications of educational policies for access to FE and nonsegregation of this population. Additional features include illustrations of computer equipment used by students with disabilities at Lancaster & Morecambe College, vignettes of the experiences of individual students, and a suggested reading list of 15 items. (DB)
AnmerkungenPublications Dept., The Staff College, Coombe Lodge, Blagdon, Bristol BS18 6RG England, United Kingdom (9.50 British pounds).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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