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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionCanadian Child Care Federation, Ottawa (Ontario).
TitelFocus on Child Care Initiatives Fund Project = Point de Mire sur les projets de la Caisse d'aide aux projets en matiere de garde des enfants.
Quelle(1993) 1, (101 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Spracheenglisch; französisch
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Health; Child Welfare; Day Care; Day Care Centers; Early Childhood Education; Family Day Care; Foreign Countries; Intergenerational Programs; Labor Conditions; Mainstreaming; Program Descriptions; Canada
AbstractThis Canadian journal contains 10 articles in English and French that: (1) profile the Lakeview Children's Centre child care facility in Langruth, Manitoba, focussing on rural communities; (2) report on the Those Who Care research study of day care work environments and caregiver characteristics; (3) discuss the SpeciaLink network of pioneering practitioners engaged in mainstreaming young children into child care programs; (4) profile the Child Care Connection-Nova Scotia (CCCNS) child care resource center, which connects child care professionals with information, resources, and support for community child care; (5) profile the Splats'in Day Care Centre in Enderby, British Columbia, which is designed to replicate a native home setting and reflect Shuswap cultural values and traditions; (6) examine the work of the Centre for International Statistics in gathering child care statistics; (7) profile the Family Resource Centre in St. John's, Newfoundland, including its drop-in program; (8) examine the Well Beings guide on promoting the physical health, safety, and emotional well-being of children in child care; (9) discuss the Day Care Connection intergenerational program; and (10) review a caregiver guidebook "Family Day Care" by Lee Dunster. (MDM)
AnmerkungenCanadian Child Care Federation, 120 Holland, Suite 306, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y OX6, Canada (free while quantities last).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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