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Autor/inCarlisle, Jane S.
TitelChild Sexual Abuse: Debate, Denial, and Denouement. A Feminist Perspective--Female Adults Molested as Children, Socialized Gender-Role Behavior, and Issues of Power and Control.
Quelle(1992), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Abuse; College Students; Coping; Females; Higher Education; Individual Power; Locus of Control; Predictor Variables; Sex Role; Sexual Abuse; Socialization; Victims of Crime
AbstractThis study was designed to examine the effect of perceived control in a non-clinical college student population that had experienced victimization (childhood molestation) and to examine predictor variables representing different types of controls. Subjects were 866 female undergraduates of whom 523 were identified as Adults Molested as Children (AMACs), or a prevalence rate of 60%. Subjects completed the Adult Nowicke-Strickland Locus of Control instrument, the Folkman-Lazuras Revised Ways of Coping Checklist, the CPI Socialization Scale, and 25 questions measuring objective and subjective severity variables. The findings suggested that molested women are not using cognitive and behavioral strategies that can re-establish a sense of control, and are instead using socialized traditional passive/powerless female gender-role behaviors. The dependent variable negative effect at the time of the molest was associated with a high degree of felt responsibility for the molestation and for finding a solution to the molestation at the time of the molest. Negative effect now was associated with a high degree of felt responsibility for the molest at the time and now, and high felt responsibility for finding a solution to the molest now. Adjustment was associated with high felt responsibility for a solution at the time of the molest. (ABL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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