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Autor/inMcGivney, Veronica
InstitutionNational Inst. of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester (England).
TitelTracking Adult Learning Routes. A Pilot Investigation into Adult Learners' Starting Points and Progression to Further Education and Training.
Quelle(1992), (48 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Adult Learning; Aspiration; Continuing Education; Course Selection (Students); Educational Attainment; Educational Mobility; Educational Needs; Educational Research; Enrollment Influences; Foreign Countries; Goal Orientation; Lifelong Learning; Motivation; Student Educational Objectives; United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AbstractA sample of approximately 50 educational organizations in England and Wales were invited to supply statistics or other information regarding where adults start their return to learning. Approximately two-thirds responded and also commented on the feasibility of collecting such data. Responses indicated a lack of "hard" quantitative information on adult learning routes. A finding was that existing student data may give a misleading picture of educational progression between different types and levels of learning simply because organizations do not ask for this kind of information. The project also examined what kind of evidence there was of movement between different forms and levels of learning and its implications. A preliminary issue was examination of expressed motives for learning. Much evidence indicated that adults engaged in learning for mainly instrumental reasons. The available quantitative evidence on progression from uncertificated learning to higher levels of study was limited and inconclusive. Evidence indicated that adult progression from a general adult or community education starting point to more advanced levels of education/training depended less on the subject or level of the initial course than on a range of diverse factors and preconditions, including personal factors, institutional linkages, and student support services. (Appendixes include a sample of responses to the 1991 White Paper "Education and Training for the 21st Century" and a 26-item bibliography.) (YLB)
AnmerkungenNational Institute of Adult Continuing Education, 19B De Montfort Street, Leicster LE1 7GE, England, United Kingdom (9.95 British pounds).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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