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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionOklahoma State Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, Stillwater. Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center.
TitelAdult and Family Living. Teacher Edition.
Quelle(1990), (1599 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adult Development; Career Planning; Decision Making; Drug Use; Early Parenthood; Eating Habits; Environmental Education; Family Life Education; Health Promotion; High Schools; Individual Development; Interpersonal Communication; Interpersonal Competence; Money Management; Nutrition Instruction; Occupational Home Economics; Social Development; Oklahoma
AbstractThis curriculum guide for teachers is designed for use with 11th- and 12th-grade students who have had no more than 1 year of vocational home economics. It focuses on providing young adults with the knowledge and skills they need for healthy and positive adult and family lives. It includes 27 units in 8 sections as follows: (1) personal development, including self-understanding, decision making and goals, communication, physical development, social and emotional development, and social management skills; (2) vocational planning; (3) financial planning, including financial services, credit and loans, insurance, savings, understanding taxes, and managing financial resources; (4) family development, including family life, married and single life-styles, pregnancy and childbirth, infant care, parent-child relationships, aging, and dying and death; (5) clothing management; (6) nutrition, fitness, and good health; (7) housing; and (8) current issues, including tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drug use; eating disorders; teenage pregnancy; sexually transmitted diseases; family violence; teenage runaways; financial poverty; functional illiteracy; dropouts; teenage suicide; homelessness; shoplifting; environmental concerns; and support organizations. Each unit contains some or all of the following: performance objectives, suggested activities, basic academic skills taxonomy, handouts, information sheets, supplements, transparency masters, activity sheets, assignment sheets, assignment sheet answers, job sheets, practical tests, written tests, and written test answers. (CML)
AnmerkungenCurriculum and Instructional Materials Center, Oklahoma Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, 1500 West Seventh Avenue, Stillwater, OK 74074 (Order No. HE1004: $32.00).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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