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Autor/inBrown, Gerald R.
TitelDeveloping an Effective School Resource Center System: The Winnepeg (Canada) Experience.
Quelle(1989), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Stellungnahme; Centralization; Change Strategies; Cooperative Programs; Course Integrated Library Instruction; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Learning Resources Centers; Library Associations; Library Collection Development; Library Planning; Library Role; Policy Formation; School Libraries; Canada
AbstractThis paper discusses the need for developing provincial/state, regional, and district partnerships to provide critical support for library media programs at the building level. It maintains that the experts who provide leadership at each level must be strong advocates for the integration of the library media program into all aspects of the education program. The greatest need in developing a district library media program is identified as having managers with tireless energy, unlimited imagination, and eternal optimism as well as academic and professional qualifications and competencies. Extracts from three publications published by professional associations during the past 15 years summarize components of services that should be developed at the district level, including: (1) administrative services to handle the establishment and maintenance of system-wide resource services; (2) the coordination of collection development; (3) the establishment of circulation services compatible with the collection; (4) the evaluation of resources; (5) the planning of production and technical services; (6) the development of policies for organizing and maintaining collections and equipment; and (7) professional development and advisory services for school media specialists, classroom teachers, administrators, and consultants. Appendices detail the unique responsibilities of the province, the division, and the school, and provide a copy of a contract between a school principal and the school librarian which shows agreed-upon goals for the school's library. (13 references) (SD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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