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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inAlderman, Taylor
InstitutionCollege and Univ. Personnel Association, Washington, DC.
TitelThe Right Ball: A Primer for Management Negotiators in Higher Education.
Quelle(1989), (173 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Administrator Role; Collective Bargaining; College Administration; College Faculty; College Presidents; Communication (Thought Transfer); Governing Boards; Higher Education; Information Needs; Interprofessional Relationship; Language Usage; Management Teams; Negotiation Agreements; Negotiation Impasses; News Media; School Personnel; Strikes; Trustees; Unions
AbstractThe manual is a guide for management representatives engaged in collective bargaining in higher education. It focuses primarily on faculty bargaining, but also addresses the problems of non-faculty units. It is intended for administrators, including governing board members, faced with significant responsibility for bargaining but without prior experience or training in labor relations. The first chapter outlines the university's reaction to the initial union drive to organize faculty or staff. Chapter 2 focuses on the president and board, and deals with key decisions that must be made before beginning negotiations. Beginning with chapter 3, the focus shifts to the president and chief negotiator, and covers the details of the bargaining process, including: gathering data, the first faculty contract, scope of negotiations, managing the management team, managing time and communication in negotiations, dealing with the news media, managing language in negotiations, suggestions for seven standard contract articles, getting negotiations under way, managing trade-offs in negotiation, strike preparations, dealing with third parties, coming to closure in negotiations, ratifying a tentative agreement, and living with the union. Appended materials include suggestions for further reading and a glossary. (MSE)
AnmerkungenCollege and University Personnel Association, 1233 Twentieth St. NW., Suite 503, Washington, DC 20036 ($30.00 members; $45.00 non-members).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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