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Autor/inn/enMorris, Cathy; und weitere
InstitutionMiami-Dade Community Coll., FL. Office of Institutional Research.
TitelCurricular Patterns for Students Who Have Experienced the General Education Reforms at Miami-Dade Community College. Research Report No. 87-13.
Quelle(1987), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Standards; Associate Degrees; Attendance Patterns; College Curriculum; Community Colleges; Core Curriculum; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Evaluation; Enrollment Trends; General Education
AbstractIn the late 1970's and early 1980's, Miami-Dade Community College (MDCC) implemented a series of academic reforms, including the adoption of minimum academic standards, mandatory basic skills testing, and the establishment of new general education course requirements. In order to assess the success of the reforms in shaping the curricular patterns of MDCC students, an analysis of the transcripts of 1985-86 Associate in Arts (AA) degree graduates was performed. The study sample consisted of 377 transcripts selected from a total of 2,829 AA graduates. Of these, 54% began enrollment since 1982, 33% prior to 1982, and 13% transferred from other institutions. The students attended an average of 10.2 terms, skipping or stopping out for an average of 1.5 terms. The transcript analysis revealed that the new core general education courses were taken by 99% of the students. It was also discovered that all the students except one took the core courses prior to distribution courses, with 64% of the sample taking four of the five core courses as part of their first eight courses at college. (AAC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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