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Autor/inn/enIrby, James F.; und weitere
InstitutionMarine Corps Inst., Washington, DC.
TitelAutomotive Fuel and Exhaust Systems.
Quelle(1985), (91 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Adult Education; Auto Mechanics; Autoinstructional Aids; Behavioral Objectives; Fuels; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; Military Training; Motor Vehicles; Postsecondary Education; Trade and Industrial Education
AbstractMaterials are provided for a 14-hour course designed to introduce the automotive mechanic to the basic operations of automotive fuel and exhaust systems incorporated on military vehicles. The four study units cover characteristics of fuels, gasoline fuel system, diesel fuel systems, and exhaust system. Each study unit begins with a general objective. It is divided into numbered work units, each presenting one or more specific objectives. These work units also consist of text material, illustrations, and study questions. Answer keys appear at the end of each study unit. A review lesson, which is a multiple choice exercise, is also provided. Troubleshooting guides for diesel fuel injection systems are included as appendixes. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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