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Autor/inGlazer, Nona Y.
TitelFeminist Recenterings of Knowledge: Unpaid Work for Capital--Women's Domesticity Reexamined.
Quelle(1984), (14 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Capitalism; Career Education; Females; Homemakers; Marxian Analysis; Services; Sex Differences; Sex Discrimination; Sex Fairness; Sex Role; Wages; Womens Studies
AbstractIndustrial capitalism has encroached on household production and women's family work. In a series of interviews with women in 1979, the importance of women's activities outside the household, yet within the infrastructures on which they relied for carrying on housework and child care, became evident. The concept of work would be expanded to include the work of women as a mediating connection between the home and workplace and/or state. Women's domestic labor has been taken outside the home and/or reorganized and placed back in the home deliberately to reduce problems for capitalism and the state in capitalist society. Both private organizations and public agencies have organized their own work processes to pull in free labor of women. The source of changes in unpaid labor are complex and include owners'"dewaging" of work to increase profits, cuts in social welfare services to reduce costs, legitimization of the changes by ideologies that value individual solutions, gender relations that view women as more suited to self-service work, the ideology of democratic relations between classes, and conflicting interests among women involving race, class, and occupation. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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