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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionAlaska State Commission on Postsecondary Education, Juneau.
TitelAlaska High School Seniors Survey Report, 1983-1984.
Quelle(1984), (56 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Aspiration; College Bound Students; College Choice; Decision Making; Followup Studies; High School Seniors; Higher Education; Out of State Students; Participant Satisfaction; Postsecondary Education; Questionnaires; School Size; State Surveys; Student Characteristics; Student Mobility; Alaska
AbstractThe seventh annual survey of Alaska public and private high school seniors was conducted to document the pattern of postsecondary education outside the state and to understand underlying motivations. For 1983-84, 2,949 of a total of 5,952 seniors in 217 schools responded to queries on their sex, race, primary home language, family income, academic rank, opinion of school experience, need for assistance in academic and career planning, and postsecondary plans. Results indicate that while most students are satisfied with high school experiences, those from large schools are more satisfied than those from small schools; those with higher household incomes and higher grades are more likely to continue with postsecondary education; only 26.9% of seniors from small schools plan to attend 4-year postsecondary schools as compared to 46.9% from large schools; of those planning to attend college, 40.2% plan to attend schools in Alaska; students choose out-of-state schools because specific programs are available; 75% of seniors planning to attend out-of-state colleges plan to return to Alaska after completing schooling. A follow-up to the 1982-83 senior survey is appended and indicates the survey predicts, with a high degree of accuracy, the proportion of seniors who will attend in-state postsecondary institutions. (NEC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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