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Autor/inDixon, Ruth B.
InstitutionCalifornia Univ., Davis.
TitelJobs for Women in Rural Industry and Services. Women in Development.
Quelle(1979), (60 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDeveloping Nations; Differences; Economically Disadvantaged; Employment Opportunities; Employment Patterns; Females; Foreign Countries; Industrial Structure; Labor Force; Managerial Occupations; Policy Formation; Regional Characteristics; Rural Development; Rural Nonfarm Residents; Sales Occupations; Services; Africa; Asia; South America
AbstractWomen's vulnerability to increased landlessness and other economic factors has created a need in most developing nations for year-round, rural, non-agricultural employment opportunities for women. Census data from 56 Third World countries reveal that women are generally underrepresented in the paid labor force and overrepresented in the "unpaid family worker" labor force. Consequently, agrarian reform and rural development policies, in combination with favorable national economic policies, must work to raise the productivity of the labor in which women currently engage, transform subsistence activities into income-generating activities, and create new employment opportunities for women in areas such as non-agricultural production, sales, services, administration, and the professions. A 6-step strategy for mobilizing rural women for employment involves: (1) identifying the groups of women who most need income-generating employment; (2) defining the range of economic activities in which they are engaged; (3) locating and mobilizing indigenous social networks of women; (4) establishing sources of credit, technical assistance, and training for group enterprises; (5) determining needs for technology to reduce domestic burdens; and (6) identifying and overcoming other cultural or structural obstacles that deny women control over the products of their labor. (SB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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