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Autor/inDalili, Farid
TitelRoles and Responsibilities of International Student Advisors and Counselors in the United States.
Quelle(1982), (54 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Academic Advising; College Admission; Counselor Role; Cultural Differences; Faculty Advisers; Foreign Students; Higher Education; International Educational Exchange; School Orientation; Social Adjustment; Student Adjustment; Student College Relationship; Student Needs; Student Personnel Services
AbstractThe separate but complementary roles of the international student advisor and counselor are discussed, and foreign student personnel services are addressed. It is suggested that the increasing number of international students indicates a need for a full-time foreign student advisor. The job is complicated by the different cultures and different academic and personal problems of foreign students. International students need assistance in admissions and orientation, information about institutional facilities and services, and understanding of laws regarding aliens. English language proficiency is a major concern to admissions officials, and the advisor's role in assessing credentials and placing students is important. Foreign students are often unfamiliar with American society and aspects of university life, including academic programming, registration procedures, and financial aid, housing, and health services. An international student counselor should facilitate the student's adjustment. Most foreign students come from countries that are not highly industrialized and many have language difficulties. They face new teaching methods, different behaviors of teachers, and different expectations of students. Social relationships, career counseling, and return adjustment are additional concerns. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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