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Autor/inn/enKleinbaum, David G.; Kleinbaum, Anna
InstitutionEducation Development Center, Inc., Newton, MA.
TitelAdjusted Rates: The Direct Rate. Applications of Statistics to Demography. Modules and Monographs in Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications Project. UMAP Unit 330.
Quelle(1979), (43 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Answer Keys; College Mathematics; Demography; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; Learning Modules; Mathematical Applications; Problem Solving; Statistics; Supplementary Reading Materials
AbstractThe document notes that in health and medical research the need to compare rates or proportions for some event can often occur. It is the module's goal to illustrate the conditions necessary for recognizing potentially misleading situations, and to show how to cope statistically with such situations. The four sections show: 1) when to adjust rates; 2) what adjusted rates do and how to compute the directly adjusted rate; 3) how to interpret adjusted rates; and 4) how to compute and interpret directly adjusted rates when adjusting for factors other than age. Both exercises and a posttest are presented, with answers to both provided. (MP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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