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InstitutionResearch for Better Schools, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
TitelA Survey of Citizen Education Activities and Interests in Elementary, Middle/Junior High, and Senior High Schools in Pennsylvania: Final Report, Volume 1: Purpose, Procedures, and Results [and] Volume 2: Tables.
Quelle(1978), (320 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCitizenship Education; Community Involvement; Curriculum; Educational Needs; Educational Practices; Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Environmental Education; Family Life Education; Global Approach; Human Resources; Legal Education; School Activities; School Community Relationship; School Surveys; Social Development; Tables (Data); Values; Pennsylvania
AbstractA two-volume report of a survey to identify current school activities and interests in 16 program areas related to citizenship education in Pennsylvania is presented. These program areas include environmental studies, community members in the schools, citizen-related social and cognitive skills, law-related education, family life education (for students and parents), moral/ethical/values education, student involvement in school governance, student activities in the community, measures of social development, global education, analysis of the mass media, and inservice training on students' social development. Separate sections of the report discuss the purpose of the survey, questionnaire development, data collection, and results. The sample consisted of 327 elementary, junior, and senior high school principals who responded to a questionnaire. Results indicate that the single item of interest in all schools was involvement of community members in citizenship education programs. A majority of principals, however, reported that their schools are already conducting such activities. The need for conducting inservice workshops for staff on students' social development was also expressed at all levels. Other items of high interest included envlronmental education, moral/ethical/values education, and family life education on the high school level. Low interest items included global education, student activities in the community, and workshops on family life for parents of junior high school students. Volume II of the report contains statistical tables to which the text of Volume I refers. (KC)
AnmerkungenResearch for Better Schools, Inc., 444 North Third Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123 ($12.00 per 2 volume set)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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