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Autor/inPooley, Richard C.
InstitutionJames Barry-Robinson Inst., Norfolk, VA.
TitelCareer Development for Dropout LD and ED Adolescent Boys: An Evaluation Report on Activities Between October 1, 1979 and March 30, 1980.
Quelle(1980), (47 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Career Education; Career Exploration; Dropouts; Emotional Disturbances; Employment Potential; Job Skills; Learning Disabilities; Males; Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; Volunteer Training; Work Experience Programs
AbstractThe activities of the first 6 months of a project designed to help 27 emotionally disturbed and learning disabled adolescent boys (ages 14 to 16) overcome the handicapping conditions which render them unemployable are reported. Successful aspects of the program were the career education, community based career development, and volunteer work program components. The career education component covered work aspects such as finding a job, preparing for job interviews, and planning for the future. The community based component was designed to assist students in exploring their vocational interests. When employment possibilities were discovered to be rare for this age group, it was decided the group would set up a business. Evaluation of the student run business was an integral part of the experience. The goal of the volunteer work component included some specific measurable skills and intangible goals such as increased self esteem. Among unsuccessful aspects of the program was that all Ss returned to school, rather than enter a career (which was a stated goal). Recommended changes included increasing the program maximum from 12 months to 14 months. (PHR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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