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Autor/inKeller, Rosanne
InstitutionAlaska Univ., Anchorage.; Literacy Council of Alaska, Fairbanks.; Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.
TitelThe Cold Blooded Killer: Hypothermia.
Quelle(1977), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Adult Education; Alaska Natives; American Indians; Elementary Secondary Education; Fatigue (Biology); First Aid; Heat Recovery; Illustrations; Literacy Education; Metabolism; Outdoor Education; Physical Activity Level; Safety Education; Sleep; Temperature; Thermal Environment
AbstractPart of a series of home literacy readers with conversational text and sketches, this booklet depicts the subarctic Alaskan environment where cold makes extreme demands on body metabolism. Body temperature must be maintained above 80F (26.7C). A condition of too little body-heat is termed hypo- ('deficit') thermia ('heat'). Hypothermia is the number one killer of the great outdoors. Exposure to cold, wind and wetness brings on chills and shivering. Exhaustion follows, with poor coordination of hands, speech, and thought. Chilled persons can fumble, fall, and feel irresistably sleepy. If allowed to sleep, they will die. First aid for critical conditions is wakefulness and warmth. Provision of shelter from wind and cold may involve setting up camp early; getting into dry clothes; climbing into a bedroll heated with wrapped canteens or rocks; providing skin-to-skin heat transfer; eating warm food; and drinking warm non-alcoholic beverages. Body-heat maintenance entails more than active movement. It requires provision for wind- and rain-resistant clothing; a good tent; fire materials; high energy trail food (such a good tent; fire materials; trail food (such as dry fish, nuts, jerky, candy), etc. Careful maintainence of adequate body-heat obviates hypothermia. (SC)
AnmerkungenEnvironmental Health Branch, Alaska Area Native Health Service, Box 7-741, Anchorage, AK 99501 (free to Native Americans)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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