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Autor/inn/enColmen, Joseph; Wurzburg, Gregory
InstitutionNational Council on Employment Policy (DOL), Washington, DC.
TitelInvolving Schools in Employment and Training Programs for Youth.
Quelle(1979), (34 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCooperation; Employment Programs; School Community Relationship; School Districts; School Involvement; Youth Employment
AbstractA study was conducted to review the progress that local CETA sponsors and LEAs have made towards collaboration. An analysis was made of early prime sponsors and LEA experience under YEDPA based upon the first three parts of a four-part evaluation conducted by the National Council on Employment Policy of YEDPA implementation in 37 CETA prime sponsorships. The implementation study included extensive discussion about CETA-LEA agreements, the mechanics of local change and the difficulties encountered along the road to collaboration. Data for analyzing channels of influence to local schools other than CETA prime sponsors were obtained from a number of interviews, meetings and "mini-case studies" in Baltimore, Maryland, and Springfield and Columbus, Ohio, conducted in the summer and fall of 1978. Interviews were held with representatives of those national educational organizations or institutions which previously had taken action to stimulate or reinforce linkages between the education community and the employment/training community, or were in a position to influence the education community to do so. It was concluded that (1) it will take time and follow-up policies for interest in YEDPA to build; and that (2) this must begin at the local level. (CT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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