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Sonst. PersonenWong, John C. (Mitarb.)
InstitutionCalifornia State Postsecondary Education Commission, Sacramento.
TitelHealth Manpower Study of Selected Health Professions in California. 1976.
Quelle(1976), (759 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Nachschlagewerk; Allied Health Occupations; Allied Health Occupations Education; Associate Degrees; Bachelors Degrees; Change Strategies; Community Colleges; Degrees (Academic); Demand Occupations; Dentists; Directories; Doctoral Degrees; Educational Assessment; Federal Legislation; Futures (of Society); Geographic Distribution; Health Education; Health Needs; Health Personnel; Insurance; Labor Needs; Labor Utilization; Masters Degrees; Nurses; Optometrists; Patient Education; Pharmacists; Physicians; Physicians Assistants; Primary Health Care; Professional Education; Public Health; State Legislation; State Surveys; State Universities; Statistical Data; Trend Analysis
AbstractThe need for health personnel in California and recommended targets for expansion of health sciences programs are presented in this report prepared for the California PostsecondarV Education Commission. The report focuses on the role of physicians, mid-level practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, optometrists, and health sciences education. Supply trends and projections, demand, utilization, clinical training, and special problems, and recommendations are considered for each field. Pertinent national legislation is assessed and it is suggested that the true impact of this legislation will not be felt on the state level for at least a decade. The effect of professional liability insurance rate increases on patterns of physician practice are also presented for the State as well as the impact of national health insurance on health manpower. Health sciences education programs are discussed focusing on the needs of the health care delivery system that are amenable to change via the educational system, and needs of the educational system itself. System changes that are recommended in the education field include improved practitioner attitudes toward primary care, and prevention of disease through patient and health education. Data for health services professionals including: geographic distribution, field, and speciality are appended as well as a list of accredited health professions schools in California and degrees conferred. An explanation of the basic project methodology is also included. (SF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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