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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inFeifs, Helmuts A.
InstitutionIBEX, Inc., Durham, NC.
TitelAnnual Evaluation Report for the Exemplary Project in Career Development, 1975-76. Career Education in the Inner City. Part D, Vocational Education Amendments 1968.
Quelle(1976), (95 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; Attitude Measures; Career Awareness; Career Development; Career Education; Decision Making Skills; Disadvantaged Youth; Elementary Secondary Education; Inner City; Instructional Programs; Measurement Techniques; Program Evaluation; Self Concept; Student Attitudes; Teaching Methods
AbstractThe final evaluation report of the Washington, D.C. schools' career education program investigated the student's self concept, relationship with the world of work, attitudes toward career development, and decision making skills. The program was designed for inner city students in all grade levels. The teachers' choices of instructional materials for career education and the program coordinators' attitudes were also surveyed. Administration of the Self Observation Scales over a 3-year period indicated that the students in career education have a good self concept in relation to the national norm. The results of the Occupation Awareness Survey indicated that students were provided with the necessary information to delineate their relationship to the world of work, and that students in the project had an excellent understanding of the relationship between social, academic, and economic parameters of careers. Data from previous studies of decision making indicated that students in the career education project demonstrated good decision making skills. Teachers across all grade levels generally chose to use career education as a supplement and enhancement to everyday instruction in a smooth and consistent manner. The project coordinators survey results demonstrated firm support for the program. Statistical data from the tests used in this evaluation are appended. (Author/GDC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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